Calculate the Power of a Number (n^p)

Posted by on Mar 31, 2024

Two numbers "n" and "p" are given, the task is to calculate and print Power (p) of a Number (n) i.e. n^p using recursion.

Example 1: Print 2 to the power of 8

Input: n=2, p=8
Output: 256

Example 2: Print 4 to the power of 3

Input: n=4, p=3
Output: 64


Method 1: Recursion

We can solve this problem easily using recursion, all we need to do is multiplying current n to the result of f(n, p-1) and break the recursion when p==0 (Base Condition).

package com.cb.recursion;

public class R7_PowerOfANumber {
    public static int pow(int n, int p) {
        if (p == 0)
            return 1;
        return n * pow(n, p - 1);

    public static void main(String[] args) {

The time complexity of this solution is O(p) and space complexity is O(1).


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